eco-efficient economy

There is an informal meeting starting tomorrow in Åre/Sweden between EU environmental ministers :

According to current presidency of EU they see a great potential for success in reaching a climate change agreement whereby expecting more companies to be willing to invest in climate-friendly products producing more jobs etc. Apparently this informal meeting will be a sort of preparation and review session for upcoming UN Climate Change Conference in December where a commitment of 10 Billion dollars from rich countries is expected to be on table;

In my opinion, given the current economic context, the end result will either be 1/10th of this expected amount or maybe an extended period of cash injections, i.e. not as effective as one would hope.

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Posted in climate change, sustainable development
One comment on “eco-efficient economy
  1. jeremy says:

    We can live in hope Hakan, but the recent G8 meeting in Italy was not great cause for optimism:

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